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this shows up when i try to play 

RuntimeError: call_indirect to a null table entry (evaluating '(_main=Module["_main"]=Module["asm"]["__main_argc_argv"]).apply(null,arguments)')

<?>.wasm-function[59380]@[wasm code]

<?>.wasm-function[75573]@[wasm code]

<?>.wasm-function[75574]@[wasm code]

<?>.wasm-function[75578]@[wasm code]














What is the premium code?! Where i can get it??


You need to click “download now”, give $9.99 or more and download “PREMIUM_CODE.txt”

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which version ? pc, android or online?

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Thanks, for now you seem to be the only one with an issue. Sadly, I have no idea what’s the source of the problem. My other games worked fine on your phone?

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The only difference with my other games is the image format. So the problem probably comes from this and so my next game should work on your phone. About the fact that you paid, you can:

  • ask me the code for a different game, even the coming one, and I’ll mail it to you (my games are )
  • send a mail to to get a refund
  • wait a little and hope that I fix the issue with the APK (I can’t guarantee it will work)

I’ve uploaded a bug fix, please download version 1.1, it may fix your issue. Thanks for your report.


Man love the game so far

Thanks. Feel free to share your creations in the comments.

Happy to see youve made a new game. About to play it now. Keep up the great work! Also if you're up for any suggestions or ideas, respond to this comment and I'll shoot you anything that comes to mind

Thanks, it’s always interesting to know what people think of the games