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How to make it fullscreen?

Sorry, it’s not possible in this game

Beautiful game. Good art, solid time waster gameplay-wise, average story, i 100% the game in a couple hours. If you ever update the game, maybe add a hidden feature that raises the chance to see a horny monster/mimic trap/dungeon local that you havent seen before. I completed every character by day 102, and then had to spend a comical amount of time looking for one single horny monster. I spent 15 in-game days looking for it. I feel that a feature like that would be useful. Or add it as an upgrade that tsunade sells, since she doesnt have one. Anyways, yeah, great game, but is kinda repetitive. 8/10. Would recommend.

Thanks for your review :)


this game is so fing annoying. you just lose fights all the damn time. very annoying. 

Sorry but this one is so boring. The dungeon is a good idea but literally half the time you click an arrow and it's like "oh nothing here". No effort has been put into this game, except the images which are always nice. The gameloop loop is just terrible.

I bought the code but it wont give it to me what is it ?


I don’t see any purchase from you so maybe you were not connected when you bought it. The code is inside the text file: PREMIUM_CODE.txt that you can download from this very page.


i dont understand how to get vivi ive maxed out everyone but the elf in the dungeon and asuka i havent payed for the code so im assuming shes locked behind the code

You can unlock all the girls without the code, you probably need more crystalite/grimoire


Im going to try to keep this short

What nocta23 (person under me) was absolutely true,i coudnt have said it better,however i feel that it woul be better to make new games instead of updating old ones.I dont really wana play the whole game again once it updates,sience beeing honest everyone uninstalls it after they play it.I understand that at this point chara mansion is the main game of yours,but if you dont wana let it go,at least update it less and work on other games.

However this is easily the best game and its not even close,i have no ideea how you made this game so much better then the rest,but keep i up.

Keep up the good work and dont push yourself! 



Wait i'm getting on another comment and don't get notified?? OwO

I'm famous!!!!! (No XD)

But yeah you're right too it's good to make new game instead of always updating older one but it's also good if the older game got finish and have all the update before making new one.... so it make less work for the dev and he/she/they (depend of the dev and if the dev are solo or not so it's goes for all the game in the world XD) won't be like "too much work imma canceling/abandonne the games i'm making" even if i like new game like the one kk2oven just publish like 4hours ago (when i'm writing that comment) i think he could be better if he complete very older game like the chara CC or those who are like 90% complete and all that missing is some art or grammar correction 


I like this game and i find it much better than the other Chara games.... 

It feel like more complete and less "doing the same thing again" even if we do that when we got almost all the girl XD cause there some girls that became less easy to get like Yor or Sakura because of the player being more and more powerfull (exept if you don't upgrade and go into the dungeon) and i feel like you could do more thing with the local and the mimic trap... exept being able to see them i think we could at least have some interaction with them like fuck them or idk but at the cost of like 10 or 20% of our stamina.... or for the mimic trap we could be like "going to save them but being incapacited by slime or something and then have a obligatory fight" or you could add some girl to rescues or even have one of them being adventurous and need to be saved from a trap or a powerfull enemies who know and until we don't beat/ rescue the girl we can't have interaction with her

And idk if it's me or not but sometime i find the grimoire hard to find because the lack of chest or not having the grimoire inside XD (i know it's full RNG so i might have bad luck or i'm not enough upgraded) then i find the crystalite useless when we have all the girl and have upgarde them to the max.... (at least for the one who need it to advence in the story) so idk if you could something like a """""""""multi competition"""""""" between all the girl and us like we have for asuka ^^ or even just sell them to get sEXP so they became not totally useless

even if i have play them all well i definitly going into this game when there gonna be a huge update ^^ 

I know you have made a update like 1 week earlier but it was for some minor stuff so i didn't re download the game

I wanted to know when the next big update of the game gonna cum? If you know it of course

I know you have to work also on the other Chara games so don't push yourself to hard ^^ 

Thanks, I agree that the way to progress with the nurses was a small mistake and that it would have been better if there was something to do with the excess crystalites. I have no idea when/if I’ll update this game but if I do, it’s unlikely it will be this year.

thanks for the awnser ^^

As i say don't overdo it cause your're solo to make/update the game

But i hope you can do it and take or have the help from us the player to improve the game 😊😊😊😊

I cant't buy the code

I’m sorry, I can’t help. If you have an issue with itch or with your payment processor, you should contact them.

The game won't fully start on the Galaxy z fold 5, it displays the unity logo when it's starting, but just gives a black screen with music after. But all of your past games work just fine on it.

Thanks a lot for the report. I’ll investigate it.

I'm genuinely impressed by this game, and I'll let you know why I think so. It's a big improvement from your other games but my opinions will be subjective, so keep that in mind if I say that I dislike something that some others have not. Without further ado, I'll get right into it. 

To start of with, I see that this game has focused more on gameplay elements and story, which were things other games of yours were lacking. And while others could see this as a decrease in variety and thus enjoyability, I see it as a much needed quality improvement that sacrifices easily advertisable elements like picture count for peak quality throughout the entire game. Let me explain:

This time around, thanks to the clearly improved storytelling and more unique scenarios, all of these characters are likeable even if you've never seen them before, or don't care for if you have. This was a problem in past games. There were many characters, and because the dialogue was often recycled, there was nothing that made them different. In this game though, clear thought was put behind the individual dialogue, as well as how the characters get introduced. It was not just the dialogue that was an issue in past games, it was also the fact that you had so many to choose from from the get-go, possibly inducing decision paralysis. This game solves this issue by giving more characters naturally, from the three at the beginning to eventually the twelve that are advertised. Just amazing work.

And because the dialogue is well-written, it doesn't matter if this game has less characters, because they truly feel like characters this time around. Also unlike in many of the other games, you can have many events per day, as many as are available. In addition, you can always see how much XP you have at any given time, which was something I pointed out in Chara Mansion. All this results in the interesting effect that while there's technically less to do, due to the fact that you can have sex with multiple girls in one day, it feels like there's actually way more to do, since there's really no restrictions.

The story as well, is something I quite like. Chara Mansion had the issue with its story that it had an interesting premise, but it didn't really make any sense because it tried to be so grounded in reality to the point that it became, and sorry for saying this.. cringe. Here it makes way more sense. There's magic involved, which honestly, makes more sense than a real-world scenario with these characters, and the justification for "seXP" is also explained in a comprehensible manner. I just really love the direction this took. I also really appreciate how you managed to make the dungeon work in a setting like this, and made it more than just a fun gameplay element.

Speaking of the dungeon, for your first attempt at something like this, I think it really works. The only downside is the obvious lag during the different options, and that's really about it. The RNG element can make it a little too random at times, but it always makes it different, breaking the clicking cycles of the previous games, where as I mentioned before, you couldn't even do multiple events a day. There's also a lot of upgrades for the dungeon mini-game, and none of the upgrades seem overpriced in terms of XP cost. Meaning that some other player's gameplay can look different, because they could prioritise the endurance of the MC over say, attack power or route disambiguation. As for the attacks, they're always the same undertale-esque mini-game, but because it's never impossible, it's just a simple way to make the game more fun. Just really well done, over all. 

Before I go into the critique, I want to reiterate again that the whole "quality over quantity" -approach also shows in the quality of the art. Only in a few pictures did I see something clearly off, and they were mostly just in the eyes, which I know are hard to do using AI. What's surprising about that is the labia, which you somehow nailed this time around. Seriously, well done. If I could download some of the pictures in this game, I would. I didn't think the art could get any better after the previous games, but you've managed to prove me wrong. Don't pressure yourself into always topping yourself with each game, but I do just want to say that this is your finest work yet. What's more is that all of the "fetish" content is accessible through free pills, when in other games they always cost something. You've not only put thought behind the art, but how accessible you want to make it as well. For that, you have my appreciation. 

That said, I do have some critique, but just clearly way less than in the other games. To start off with, the player name selection screen is lacking, to say the least. There's no backspace, no capitalisation aside from the first letter, no special characters like hyphens, nor do I think that you can edit the name later on. The second immediate thing is the ever-present lack of volume control, which again is not much of an issue because that can be changed in windows' volume mixer, but because the game features two distinctly different music genres between the dungeon and everything else, I would've liked to have seen at least a toggle for each. The last thing I'm going to mention here is the lackluster end-game: After you've unlocked all the scenes for the characters that need crystaline to unlock, crystaline suddenly becomes useless, despite its importance in story. Which in turn means that subsequent dungeon runs avoid getting crystaline altogether in order to have a better chance at finding a chest for those last grimoires. Also in the end-game, it's more difficult to get hospitalized, which is something you need to do in order to get the last scenes. It's still doable, but slower and depending on luck, maybe not possible. As for the crystaline, something like converting them to seXP could be a good incentive to keep getting them, as there are people who want to get all of the skills, for completion's sake.

As for hospitalization, like I said before, it's a mechanic that's needed for some of the scenes. But because those scenes are randomised as well, you need to keep failing dungeons in order to unlock the last ones. Namely, getting Yor to level 19 took me longer than it should've. What I think would've helped with this, would have been the option to stay in the hospital once you were "free to go" until you were fully healed. Especially during the end of the game, where there was nothing else to do but sleep and pass the time anyway. There are also some grammatical inconsistencies, so I'll point them out as I truly don't have much to complain about, which really is great. First off, there's a scene with Asuka where the narrator says "You take Asuka from behind", which obviously doesn't mean that you're railing her from behind. It means something quite opposite. There's also a slight error in the naming of the crystaline deposit, where in the crossroads if unlocked, it says "Crystaline Mine" but when  you get there, it's called "Crystaline vein". But that's all I have for that, so do you see how much I need to grasp at straws to find something to complain about this game? This means that you've done an exceptional job.

I have one more suggestion before I wrap this up, and that's to do with the "natives". When you see one, you get 2xp, which is a great source of it early in the game, but later on, it's not much at all. What I think could've made them better for that stage, is if you could have had sex with them for more XP at the cost of more stamina, because after all, you want to avoid having sex in the dungeon. Something like 7-10xp for 25-33% of stamina maybe? I don't know, just spit-balling. It also would've been a little more fun to be able to get more "involved" with them, as opposed to being able to only see them from afar. In a similar vein, what if some of those "girls in need" weren't all mimics? It would be a great way to add a new character into your roster, by rescuing it. But again, these are all just ideas, and nothing to seriously consider.

All in all, this is a seriously impressive game, and it has improved from your other games on all fronts. From the dialogue and text, to the gameplay, to the visuals, just everything in my mind, is objectively better, even if there aren't 50 different characters, or thousands of different photos. You've just really made a good game here that's just not a harem simulator. And what I said about wanting to download those pictures is all true, if you've got a drive link or something, I'd be more than happy to get it. You've outdone yourself with this one and I look forward to seeing what you've got coming up. Thanks for reading this far, and take care. 

Thanks a lot for your comments. Indeed, AI eyes are often a mess and I often have to redraw them. The end-game is a mess as well, especially the required hospitalizations. I updated the game yesterday, so the slowdowns should have disappeared. And the update also add the possibility to change your name from the options. The popup to choose your name is a little bare-bones, maybe I’ll add the hyphen and digits. I’ll probably add volume control in my next game. I’ll keep in mind what “Take sb from behind” means so that this mistake won’t appear in future games xD

Hi. I want to suggest an idea for a new game, it's not much different from your current concept. The usual Middle Ages, the player is an artist who travels the world and paints beautiful ladies of different races: demons, humans, elves, cat girls and others, also of different social status: warriors, priestesses, nuns, merchants, countesses, members of the royal family, ordinary townspeople and villagers. You do not need to write any dialogues, just a description of who the character is and a little about his character + a number of mini-games, one for earning money, the other for the location of the characters to yourself, to introduce the fame of the player himself, without which he will not be able to deal with richer and more noble characters without the right level of fame and different areas of the world. Now you are making games for existing characters, here you can make your own characters (you can insert some characters from anime or games if they fit into the concept of the game) the drawing of the characters itself runs smoothly from a casual outfit to a more depraved one. Of different ages from young to more mature (the presence of scars in warriors will also be like a +) and it is not necessary to make everyone with a perfect figure. Creating a new game and new characters requires a lot of resources and time, so if you suddenly want to create something new, think about this idea (you can ask the players themselves if you are not sure that they will like this format) the idea came from this game "Dreamweaver Damsels" the game, although peculiar, is not bad.

I get an error on both chrome and firefox when pressing the "Get the Code" button. I know you can buy on itch with the help button below it, but just thought you should know so you aren't losing potential money

Thanks a lot for the report, on my PC it not only bugs but also freezes everything :s I’ll have to take a look into it!

Im still haveing problems on android i open the game up starts normal than i get a flashing red screen

Thanks for the report. Can I know what phone model do you own?

galaxy s23 ultra

Thanks. I’ve found some tracked issues concerning this device on the Unity Issue Tracker website. Hopefully, Unity will solve those issues in a future version.

Hey, love the game. This is a dumb question but this is AI art right?

Yes, both the pictures and the music are made with AI

Oh ok, could you tell me what app or software you used to make the images?

I use stable diffusion web ui with model autismmix. You can find some of my prompts on aibooru.

The artworks turned out really nicely, just like in the other games. When it comes to gameplay, this is probably the best game by kk2oven so far, though it is still a little bit slow. The game also starts lagging after a while (at least for me) so i have to close the game every 15-20 minutes to make it run smoothly again. Would still recommend

Thanks. I checked the game for memory leaks before releasing but didn’t find anything. I’ll check more thoroughly for the next release because this kind of problem seems frequent with my games.


10 dollars for a premium code to not only play almost half the game but also to see more AI images is diabolical, and the same goes for the other game

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It’s always clear in my game what is normal content and what is unlocked with premium. People can pay to have access to premium content. People who don’t pay still have access to a lot of content for free.


Very Beautiful girls and cute small tits. Android no problems. Extremely boring timing mechanic. Had to uninstall because I Hate timing. I'd rather just hack and slash. Or cast spells. For the beautiful slime girls and Mikoto and a few others I've seen 3.5/5 stars because I Hate timing. Otherwise it's 5/5. 


Thanks for your review.


where do you find the codes


In the popup where you can enter the code, there is an help button with an explanation


Bought, glad to see some returning favorites, hoping for some kitagawa or konosuba love at some point. 


Konosuba may be in the next My Chara Mansion update. I haven’t tried generating them yet.


I'll be looking forward to it


I'm so sad right now bc I have finished the game in one day and it is one of my favorite so far but can't afford to pay and finish the whole game.


AI art in hentai games isn't it. Imagine saying that you'd rather make AI art hentai games rather than the actually decent animation your games used to have. Just say you don't care about producing quality games.


One question, will you ever go back to making a game with ur old animations? Like relay swiming or anime spa or explore with charas? The last one was my favorite 


probably not


They'd rather use AI art now instead of what they used to. Unfortunate to hear they prefer using the AI cause now their content is bad.


When I download the game on Android it just starts flashing and I cant do anything :(


I don’t know, maybe the download was corrupted and you need to redownload it. Do you know if my previous games worked fine on your phone? I did change the way I create the Android file to make it work on newer phones.


I tried to re-downloading it but still ended up with it flashing :(  I tried Chara CC to see if it would work, but unfortunately it didn't :(


Sorry to hear that. Thanks for testing another game. I’m wondering what could be the problem. What kind of phone do you have? Maybe you can still play the online version even if I agree it’s less than optimal.


I'll do that for the time being, Thank you for taking a look!! :)


Great game, just wished the dungeon was a bit easier to see what's coming up next.


You can level up the identification skill with Frieren ;)


I don't think its balanced for the movement to cost 40 to decrease energy cost by 1 when it costs 10 to upgrade my max by 10


Yes but as you level up “max energy”, its cost goes up so at some point it’s better to level up “movement cost”

Deleted post
Deleted 256 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Fixed Thanks